Friday, May 12, 2006
Lagos is burning..
Well not exactly. But still.Yesterday as we were in the car, a special radio report was talking about riots in Aja (i think..). Quite scary news if i was in a smaller city but this is Lagos. Plus the reason behind those riots (some conflict between the chieftancy and the land owners) is so specific that the violence cannot spread outside that part of town. *EXHALES IN RELIEF*..
But today we could see this:

from one of the bridges. impressive huh ? That was totally unrelated to the riots.just some fire on a pipeline.. cusualities tho ? 100 deads and still counting.. Let their souls rest in peace.
in other news, hmm.. I finally could read the latest finalized version of the script. Great ending, son if you're reading this.. Now all I can do is thinking about the work that has to be done and of course work.. lol.
I also went to Ibadan a few days ago.. I didnt expect to it to look this way from the Wole Soyinka novel "Ibadan, the pelicumess years", but i wasn't disapointed neither. The red dirt and the hills reminded me of Yaoundé.. I was suprised to see that many mosques there, but oh well..
what else can i talk about ?
hmm.. i drink too much coke. lol. those who have been knowing me for years know that i used to be a big coca-cola addict.. like 2 or 3 litters a day easily. and i stopped when back in november.. so i drank like 3 bottles in 6 months and now.. i'm not back to my former standard but close, too close.
now gotta go and work.. more equipment rental places to visit, more tailors to meet for the costumes, more script breaking down, more traffic to be stuck in...
aflakete the wunderkid at 11:41 AM
- at 9:41 PM lauren alyse belle said...
ha, so i take it you're over perrier, then?
- at 10:33 AM Comb & Razor said...
still waiting for that beer post...
but then again, maybe you better spend your time working instead of thinking about beer!