Saturday, May 27, 2006
No Shaking
So the few entries below, though posted on the same day, have been written over a cut-down-from-the-innanets week..Some of them are glommy, huh ?
Well, for those who want to know I FEEL VERY GOOD. I'm not hospitalized (as apparently an automatic response from my email suggested). And i'm still in constant excitement..
so few facts:
- during the champion's league final my brain was divided, half analyzing the disposition Wenger choose to (try to) stop the usual Riijkard tactics, half organizing, calculating, reorganizing, listing information about this production.. oh yeah .. about TOO MUCH BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. Now people who know me know that when Barça plays, my brain can't think about anything else past noon. Trust me, what happenned that day was even more surprising to me.
- we met a few actors. Not all since everybody but the leads will be casted in Calabar.
Interesting encounters. And it's nice to start to put faces on characters. I can't wait to hear the feedback on the script they're probably reading right now.
oh yeah:
being able to introduce myself as "a producer" to actors and see them being semi impressed (or may be it was something else) by my silence ?
*ego parenthese closed*
the simple fact that they didnt laugh at us was priceless.. lol
- i wonder how long Koko will hold on until i convert him to the "producers can freely talk about how good a potential MALE actor looks and not feel akward" school of thought... héhé
- Calabar is a few days away and that will determine a lot.. may Allah/God/TheGreatArchitect/YamanjaOshunEshuSango'n'em/Nzambi/Krishna/alltheBuddahs/AndTheRestOfThem be with us.
- i have more entries planned already.. (day by day diaries are boring)
so soon
and thanks for the support.
aflakete the wunderkid at 11:57 AM