Thursday, June 01, 2006
so in case you didnt get.. and and apparently some haven't..i AM a producer and working with a writer/director and a third partner who doesnt have a blog (yeah such dinosaurs exist).. and i am in Nigeria, RIGHT NOW, producing (meaning budgetting, casting, scouting, crying, getting grey hair and other funny activities) a movie named TOO MUCH BEAUTIFUL WOMAN.
Peep the continious present tense..
and.. well.. we're kinda broke and our budget is rather tight and it's hard and we're young, black and african.. so like.. let's make it clear:
Grants, Donations, International Aid, Prayers, Ebos, Saaras, Food Aid, Technical or Medical Assistance, Clothes (thanks bu), Walmart Coupons, Volunteering (actors ?), Petrol Jerrycans and many more ARE ALL ACCEPTED and WELCOME and NEEDED...
and we can promise you that the help will indeed reach those who need it and no one will ask for your bank details..
and we're serious...
aflakete the wunderkid at 10:57 AM