Thursday, June 01, 2006
a day in the life
yeah sometimes i get to talk to very very good-looking people (hell some even look better than me, lol).. yeah i have one of the coolest jobs on earth (i'm talking about being the producer of TOO MUCH BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, not producing in general), yeah it's fun and intense and cool and all thatbut..
the truth is most of time i'm sitting behind a comp
or we're stuck in traffic:
and then sometimes i eat
and koko takes funny pics out of boredom when i'm online usually posting my blog entries
but then i get bored when he drives and i take funnier pics
peep the distortion..
so.. yeah a producer's life always that exciting..
and actually if it was would we have the chance to catch moments like this ?
aflakete the wunderkid at 10:09 AM
- at 10:49 AM Comb & Razor said...
dude... those are some fucking great pictures!
i mean, if we can get images of that quality for the actual film, i'll be a happy man!
but... eating eba and soup with a FORK AND KNIFE? what kind of European African ARE you?- at 12:29 PM lauren alyse belle said...
- at 2:31 AM Amalism said...
ha, the photos are ingenius. i smell the randomness all the way in shitty grey nl.