Tuesday, August 01, 2006
this thing is not easy, AT ALL. i mean i knew it.. i've been on sets before, i had hundreds of hours of conversations with producers, directors, people in the business, in france, in nigeria.. i read diaries, i watched documentaries.. and they were all full of horror stories..from your huge budget production with very experienced people in the west to the students doing their film project, that's all we people talk about. planes suddenly messing up your best take, actors getting sick on the day of a fight scene, production managers on a cooking assignement because someone forgot to pay the catering people, composers going AWOL for months and found 2 days before the booked mixing dates.. all that mess..
so yeah, it's all about how much heart one has. keeping the motivation, finding solution and never stopping.. and then they're the Daylies watching.. and how you always end up getting disappointed.. the shot is NEVER what you imagine it to be.. you adapt.. and sometimes after the initial disappointment you realize the scene is actually BETTER than you imagined..
emotionnal rollercoaster, i'm telling you..
and honestly, i'm quite proud of myself so far. i mean there are things i could have improved like for instance being more protective of my director, no matter how much he resists it. but yeah, for someone who has quite a temper and a tendency to just walk away, i quite resisted my demons..
contrary to uchenna, i haven't done extensive watching of the footage we have so far.. partly because he does it all the time, partly because there are things i didnt want to see but mostly because well my abstract mind GUESSES it (yeah, very selfo).. anyway, i haven't that much and i probably will in the next days as we're supposed to strart working on it while prepping the last scenes we have to shoot. but i already know Too Much Beautiful Woman, the movie will end up being quite different from the one i had in mind while reading the script, hell, before the camera was rolling it was already different (expect stories about casting and locations). and at points, it was a bit difficult to explain to our lead actors who totally loved and understood the script and who were very subtely expressing concern about the little changes.. NEVERTHELESS, i'm also totally at peace.. the movie will be great and i'm already proud of it (and no, not because i'm part of it, there are a lot of things i did that i'm not proud of, that's probably why you haven't heard of them)..
this entry may be a bit confuding i reckon. i guess it's some kind of philosophical reflective moment on art, expectations, compromises, mayonnaise, results, hazard, adaptation, fate and how good i feel right now..
oh and some pictures about nottheactualshooting:
waiting and waiting and waiting...
...and waiting some more.. (there are interesting details in the background..)
- and ganging up on the director probably asking him why we're waiting..
...and then producers entertaining actors by wearing their costumes..(or was this a light test ? i can't remember)..
...and work.. yeah that is work..
you'll get to know more about mayonnaise in a future entry. why ? because it gives you a reason to come back to this blog, lol
aflakete the wunderkid at 11:41 AM
- at 10:44 AM lauren alyse belle said...
this entry was great...unlike mayonnaise, which is nasty.
so i hope the next blog isn't about how yummy it is or anything. i seriously may throw up.
anyway, nice pics :)